We are a distinctive congregation of believers with a tradition of being welcoming and nurturing. A spiritual home for those of any age, we are open to all persons, whatever their race, gender, socioeconomic status, special needs, or sexual orientation.
We embody our faith in an integrated way as we seek to grow in body, mind, and spirit.
Above all, we are pilgrims in the way of Jesus.
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If you’re visiting with us for virtual worship, please let us know by filling out our Digital Guest Card.
Sept. 18: Spiritual Warriors: Decoding Christian Nationalism at the Capitol Riot
Join us for a screening and discussion of Spiritual Warriors: Decoding Christian Nationalism at the Capitol Riot, a 25-minute documentary that looks at key charismatic Christian figures who were influential in promoting Donald Trump as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.
The film focuses on the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a concept and set of independent charismatic leadership networks leaders who identify as prophets and apostles and espouse such core concepts of the NAR as Dominion Theology, the 7 Mountain Mandate, and Strategic Spiritual Warfare. This film was produced with the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies.
Please join us for a fellowship meal from 5:15 to 6 PM.
From 6 to 7 PM on most Wednesdays, following announcements and prayer, we engage various topics of faith with speakers, panels, and group discussion. Please see our youth and children’s ministry pages for information about concurrent programming for these ages.
Drum Circle
Adults, join us for a fun and interactive drum circle led by trained facilitator Monica Citty Hix.
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