Ingathering 2023

Community Food Drive

November 18, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm

Crisis Control Ministry relies on Knollwood’s Ingathering as their largest congregational donation of nonperishable food items each year. This year, our donation is critical because the local need is greater than ever. Our food drive is open to the community.

As we celebrate God’s bounty to us this Thanksgiving, let us share that bounty with others. The Crisis Control truck will be at Knollwood Saturday, Nov. 18, from 1-3 PM to collect nonperishable food items from the community. A list of suggested items to donate is below or at this link.

On Sunday, Nov. 19, bags of food can be dropped off starting at 9 AM at the front of the sanctuary, where individuals will be available to assist you, or you can bring them to the chancel area before worship. We will then work together to fill the Crisis Control truck after the worship service.