Arts & Hearts Class

Plant an Easter Spring Flower Pot

March 17, 2024
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
WCC Arts & Hearts Room

This Easter, we invite adults to connect with the beauty of God’s creation through the vibrant art of container gardening.

By the end of the class, you will have learned the basics and arranged your own pot or planter. Plus, you’ll receive a list of all the notes and recommended resources to continue your learning. Faith, flowers and fellowship are sure to bloom, and we hope you’ll join us.

Flowers and materials will be provided, but bring:

• Garden gloves;

• One clean pot, planter, or hanging basket with a drainage hole;

• A trowel (optional); and

• An apron (optional).

The class will be taught by Emily Schemper, founder of Petalhouse, and the class size is limited to 20 participants.